I took as many picture as possible but only this two photos turned out to good.I wanted to take a picture like this in proper light but it's still a bit cold out and i din't want to take him out without proper dress.....may be later......
yuvan after his bath.We always wanted to take a picture of him after his bath but he screams like something when we take him out of his bath tub.Suprisingly he din't even try to cry.
Long since we posted.His Dad was too busy to do his job.The dress he is wearing was gifetd by Vidya Vasagam(In short Vidya Athai).She got it for him from Amsterdam when he was a month old.It fits him only now.
Yuvan's first carnival party. He enjoyed seeing lot of colours around and the loud carnival music. He liked when we took his picture with the girls from carnival parade.
This dress was gifted by Dido. He enjoys these wears now. As long as there is no multiple layers of dress he is comfortable :-). We did the cistogram for him to check the effects of UTI he got a month before. The result is fine and he is ok now.