Yeaterday we celebrated Gokulastami(birth of Lord Krishna).His Uncle bought his dress from India.He always smiles showing his teeth.He has 4 teeth and the 5th &6th is on their way.
Yuvan has completed eight months on 6th of August. since this is our last month in Cyprus we all went put to Pafos to celebrate, but as usual Yuvan slept on the way and woke up when we came back.Anyways we all had a nice dinner in the name of yuvan.
As his bath tub is not big enough for him to play he started having his bath in the big tub.He enjoys it a lot, Probably he is thinking it as a minature of swimming pool.
Since he started standing by holding stuffs....He stands like this in the morning and keeps looking for us....if he can't find us he calls us from there....when we enter he welcomes us with a big laugh.
Yuvan like to stand a lot.....though he can't balance himself for more than a second or 2, he likes it......Vidya got this dress for him when he started sitting himself.
Yuvan with Priya's Brother. He doesn't go to everyone only selected people. It took him 2 days to get used to his uncle. Other than him he goes only to Vidya. With Vidya he is so happy ao we started going out by leaving with Vidya.