Though Harish,Vidya,Thillai and Vijayan were in Cyprus,They din't want to Miss the party.So they all went to the McDonalds there and celebrated Yuvan's Party.Not only this when we went to cyprus they arranged for one more we all celebrated Yuvan's Party in Cyprus for the 3rd time.Thanks Guys.
We had a Bithday Party on 6th december,On his date of birth, in McDonalds Pune. Yuvan was very happy there because he had all his friends over there,lots of balloons,etc.,They did play games there and had lots of fun.We also enjoyed it.
yuvan started crying when everyone clapped their hands....but after he had the cake this was his reaction....Like father like Son....After the food they do laugh a lot......
We celebrated yuvan's First Birthday in coimbatore on 27th November,according to his star.Since yuvan likes Train a lot we got a cake in the shape of train.Like all kids he din't understand what's going on and kept starring at everyone.When we asked hi to blew the candle he put of the fire with his hand.we had a nice party that evening.
Yuvan Finally woke up during the end of the homam.So we made him cry to......It's a custom that we drop everything in the fire at the end,it's like offering all the things to God.He did wake up exactly for that and we put him in front of the fire.....
A post after a very long time. We celebrated Yuvan's B'day thrice.One according to his star for which we did Ayushomam in our native place.we had lots of friends and relatives there.Yuvan did not have much of fun during the homam.